Sunday, January 20, 2013


My verse for the month of January is Psalm 30:11 – 12, “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.”

What if we held dance parties to celebrate how God has turned our wailing into dancing?  (Or are we still wailing?)  What kind of music would we listen to?  How would we dance?  How do you worship through dance?  My best guess – and hope – is that we would all dance in beautiful freedom and deep joy.  The kind of joy that isn’t found where there are inhibitions.  How else do you worship apart from singing, anyways?  I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to worship after having heard Jimmy Needham’s "Clear the Stage" song a few weeks ago with dear Bekah on our way to Asheville and the mountains.
Worship is so much more than a song.   It’s more than singing How-Great-Is-Our-God.  Can you worship while climbing rocks outside?  Can you worship while working?  If so (and I do believe it is so), what does that look like, really?  Is it an attitude?  A certain demeanor – a sense of humility and the presence of joy?  The willingness to go the extra mile for your boss or coworker or acquaintance or maybe it’s simply the determination to do excellently in all things.  Maybe worship is being peaceful.  Maybe worship is the refusal to fear or be filled with anxiety. 

I want to explore more of what it means to really worship God with my whole self.  I want to worship with my relationships, at my place of work, in all my leisurely activities, and in my dreams & prayers, too. 

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