Sunday, February 3, 2013


Y'all... I am praying through the possibility of a 5-week trip to Nepal this summer.  It's so much to try to explain in words, but I wanted to at least say something about on here for the sake of keeping records.  It'd be through a ministry called "Life Together," named after the model of Christian community in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic book.  I'd spend a month with 2 - 7 other women in Katmandu, Nepal serving women in a recovery home who have been rescued out of the sex trade.  We'd operate on the model of discipleship as Jesus did it - doing life together... sharing the Gospel, loving and serving one another, and counseling them.  There have been so many signs of affirmation for this trip that it's impossible for me not to apply even though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for me to go this summer because I'll be transitioning out of teaching at Chavez and into either grad school or something else.  I don't know what's next for me after June of this year, but I know I need to apply to this trip.  I am excited.  God is using a horrible injustice to spread the Gospel amongst the unreached in a closed country -- these women are taking the Gospel and the economic skills they learn while in the home to go back to their home villages and 1) start house churches and 2) provide for themselves a living.  God is just like that - He makes all things work together for His good.  When we know Him, it's for our good, too.  Justice.  Mercy.  Grace.  Redemption.  Healing.  Restoration.  Freedom.  Love.

Love has a name, a face.  Love is here. 

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