Sunday, March 10, 2013

March Madness

Such a strange time it is to be feeling sad.  The weather is getting warmer and the daylight hours are increasing with each passing day.  Spring Break is but a few weeks away, and I have started to run again.  God, how good it feels to run.  I love to lose myself and forget about everything when I run.  I pray to be able to run for miles and miles again.  My schedule isn't as hectic at school as it had been throughout the Fall, and I have met a couple new friends that have added joy and fun and creativity and activity to my life.  Why, then, the ominous thoughts and anxious, sad face?  I'm not worried, but every so often I am overcome with a kind of pending doom.  It passes as do storm clouds. But what a strange, strange thing to feel, especially now.

Jesus, I want more of you and less of me.  Give me more of you.   

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