Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ya win some, ya lose some

Boo jacked a hub cap straight off my tire.

For reals!?

Good grief. Who steals only one hub cap, anyways? And I have a stinkin' Toyota Corolla. It ain't like I got rims of gold. Anyways, I was coming out of Indian Valley G-4, visiting Farhan and Ayaan, and I saw a truck skid/speed away from where my car was parked. Two guys. No big deal, right? Then I notice my front right tire is ... all black. Now, I did take my car into the shop on Saturday so I doubted myself for a second, thinking maybe the Toyota service people forgot to put it back on or something. But after a few seconds of putting together the 'evidence' of the speeding car and the loose hub cap on the back left tire, I realized those crazy fools was just tryin' to make a buck with a couple pieces of metal for tires... Oh well. I just laughed, really.

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