Sunday, June 3, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

Today is one of of those days that I find myself so perfectly content.  I'm just smiling...and happy.  Lately I've been listening to the Beatles' Here Comes the Sun on repeat; I have a Pandora station from the song and I play it for the kids each morning when they come in, partially to expose them to a broader repertoire of music than their typical Bruno Mars and Jay Z, and partially because it helps me start my day off well.  Despite the fact that I'm now sitting at my computer typing discussion posts and writing papers for my last grad school class, and working on materials and lesson plans for the last instructional week of school - I am happy.  I am grateful to be in this season of the kind of happy joy that comes so easily.  Thank you, Holy Spirit.  There are some seasons that are very hard, seasons when joy must truly be fought for... but these moments are not that season.  I am grateful today for sunshine, trail running, friendship, jazz, coffee, laughter, dancing, and home cooked meals.
This morning, I ran a half-marathon at Algonkian Regional Park and it was muddy, bloody, hard, and so much fun.

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