Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Here are the facts:

_I am a college senior.
_I work 25 hours per week as a school social work intern (unpaid) and 10-15 hours per week as a campus recruiter for Teach For America (paid). I am carrying the requisite SOWK load 17 hrs of classes. I am committed to serving as a student leader for the Wesley Foundation three nights per week.
_By the grace of God, (maybe?), I am operating at the speed of light.
_I am becoming a Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Excel wizard.
_I know how to file a Child Abuse & Neglect report with DFCS.
_I am 21 years old.
_I have learned SO MUCH about special education programs and laws and met many families with children with all kinds of developmental delays and disabilities and disorders. I don't often focus on the "dis" part of their 'situations', but on the incredible and inspiring strengths that I see in them. This is a true fact.
_At least 40 new acronyms and their meanings have committed themselves to my memory and daily vocabulary usage.
_Working with families who've experienced or who are experiencing domestic violence, child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, and/or child neglect is umpteen million times harder than you'd ever think.
_For the first time in my life, I am having to continuously improve/rethink/adjust my organizational and time management systems and skills, respectively.
_I wake up between 5:00-6:00AM every day except Saturday.
_My favorite part of each day is when I run.
_It is September 8th, 2009.
_I ran a great 10K yesterday, on September 7th, or Labor Day. It was all uphill. Metaphor appropriate.
_Conference calls aren't just something grown-ups do; they're something I do twice per week.
_I regularly use words and phrases like, "deliverables" and "contributing actionable feedback" and "moving forward..." and "best practices" and "strategic but aggressive marketing" and "progress reviews" and "data-based decisions."
_I am procrastinating right now . . . I should be prepping for a meeting in 33 minutes.
_I have some interesting questions about my faith, lately.
_Too many of these sentences started with "I".
_I miss the refugee families that I worked with all summer. Kumar called last night. He said, "Yeah, so, it is me, Kumar; I am wanting to hear you, Kelley. You are not calling us and I am missing you very much so please, be calling us soon." Esther sent me a text message the other day that said, "It is me, Esther. When we meet? I am missing you."
_I left my computer charger at home yesterday. Crap.
_I have three e-mail accounts and two voice mails to check every day.
_I am trying to reframe things so as not to feel stressed out, anxious, overwhelmed, etc. all the time. It is working alright so far.
_I love discipleship, both the discipling (pouring out) and the getting discipled (receiving in) parts.
_I've been challenged to actually observe the Sabbath this year. On the very first week of this challenge, I failed miserably.
_Two people very close to me are currently experiencing heart ache and hurt. It hurts to see them hurt. Their situation has, amongst other things, served as a catalyst to get me praying again. Funny how God works.
_Life is beautiful. (Is it? Or is that just something people say? After the YES! Committee meeting / hearing today, I'm not so sure.)
_God is beautiful.

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